Tag: fiction

  • A Dubious Account of the Invention of Poetry

    It probably started with some weirdo writing down their thoughts, not using punctuation, but instead organizing thoughts line by line, slightly out of order, indenting some lines, but not others. Oh, and not indenting new paragraphs, because that would make those other indents look rather confusing, but instead showing new groups of new thoughts by…

  • The Best YouTube Comment I’ve Ever Seen

    This comment may be the funniest “found humor” I’ve ever seen. I’m not sure I have ever felt so much desperation as one Anthony Rotella. User anthonyrotella8791 on YouTube writes, regarding a chiptune remix, “Beautiful…please add another like…it is at 666 likes.” Beneath the comment is the downward-pointing arrow and the text “1 reply,” beckoning…